The International Association of Women Judges of Uganda (IAWJ-U) is a non-governmental membership organization composed of 86 to 180 female Judicial Officers in Uganda. Members are drawn from both the lower and higher benches and share a commitment to “fair administration of justice and liaise with other National Associations to advocate for the rule of law and to engage in research’’

IAWJU operates on the premise that through informed leadership, female judicial officers can be catalysts for social transformation. Although IAWJU is an association of women judges, the focus of its work is not strictly limited to issues concerning women; the association rather focuses on strengthening access to justice in all its aspects for vulnerable populations. These include women, children, youth, the elderly, people with disabilities and other underprivileged groups.

With an existence since 1994, IAWJU has made its presence felt through educational programs that focus on elimination of gender bias and discrimination in the judicial processes.